Functional Weight Loss

Have you ever thought that being overweight or unable to lose the weight you want to lose is just who you are – that you are destined to be overweight? Or it’s just your SLOW metabolism or just in your genes?

Well, there may be some truth to those thoughts, but it does not have to keep you from reaching your healthy weight goals. It is possible that you may be suffering from an undiagnosed Thyroid Disorder, Food Intolerances or Sensitivities, Undiagnosed Diabetes, or many other conditions.

Functional Weight Loss

Functional Weight Loss is Total Health Center’s safe, clinically proven, management program for weight loss. Using the most up-to-date clinical and laboratory testing, we create a comprehensive program that’s specific to each patient’s needs. This is not the latest fad diet or a quick fix only to gain the weight back – this program is to get your physiology running the way it was meant to. When we do that, you will be healthier, many symptoms that you may be experiencing such as fatigue, headaches, depression, muscle cramps, digestive problems, and more will improve or go away entirely, and guess what? You will lose weight. The average for our patients is 30 lbs.

How We Do It?

At Total Health Center, we use the latest in functional medicine:

We find out what your individual issues are and work to restore function. With Functional Weight Loss we remove the guesswork and tailor a weight loss plan specific to your body.

Weight Loss Patient Testimonials

See what others are saying. Browse some of our weight loss patient testimonials below or visit our YouTube channel for more.