Functional Medicine Faq

Functional Medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness. As the graphic illustrates, a diagnosis can be the result of more than one cause. For example, depression can be caused by many different factors, including inflammation. Likewise, a cause such as inflammation may lead to a number of different diagnoses, including depression. The precise manifestation of each cause depends on the individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle, and only treatments that address the right cause will have lasting benefit beyond symptom suppression.
Since Functional Medicine is very different from Corporate Medicine, it does not fit into the cookie cutter approach the insurance companies rely on. In order for a Functional Medicine doctor to work in the insurance model, he/she would have to follow the Corporate Medicine model in order to get things covered. This is a conflict of interest and prevents the Functional Medicine doctor from getting people better that corporate doctors cannot.
Functional Medicine doctors utilize the latest in diagnostic testing and blend that with the wisdom of natural medicine. Utilizing diet, lifestyle, and nutrition to restore function. A diagnosis is a name given to a group of symptoms. In Functional Medicine, it is understood that the diagnosis is a result or the end product of some disfunction. This understanding allows those practicing Functional Medicine to get to the root cause and not just treat the symptoms or the diagnosis.
Functional Medicine doctors utilize testing based on function; this is very different from Corporate Medicine doctors who focus on pathology. What this means is that in Corporate Medicine they are looking for disease – and lack of disease is health. But in Functional Medicine, the focus is on optimal function comparing reference ranges to healthy people. Functional Medicine is about getting you healthy. As you get healthier, the symptoms of disease will resolve.
Functional Medicine is a system of looking at the body as a whole. In Functional Medicine every part of the body has an effect on every other part, and they cannot be treated separately. This understanding of the body can be utilized by many different practitioners. This is the reason Functional Medicine can be practiced by Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Naturopath Doctors as well as nutritionists and health coaches. If the practitioner is using the principles of Functional Medicine, this term can be used to convey to the public how they are approaching their client’s health. Practitioners who have completed a course in Functional Medicine can use the term Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Since Functional Medicine is a non-drug approach, many non-MD practitioners embrace Functional Medicine. Many professions like Chiropractors have a wholistic basis to the training so Functional Medicine is a natural fit.


Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only. It is not designed to substitute for professional and individualized health advice. Please do not stop or start taking prescription medication without the advice of your prescribing doctor, as this can be very dangerous to your health. You should always consult your prescribing doctor regarding prescription drugs.